The End of Miracles

Monica Starkman
Narrator: Jane Oppenheimer

SUSPENSE/THRILLER:  Margo and Steven have struggled with infertility, trying everything to get pregnant but with no success.  Weeks after their doctor explains there is nothing else to do, a miracle happens: Margo finds herself expecting.  The next few months are filled with excitement and joy until the unthinkable happens, plunging Margo into a deep depression with no idea how to emerge from the darkness surrounding her.  “The End of Miracles” explores one woman’s journey with deep heartache and how far she will go to have what she wants.

Ms. Starkman paints a heartbreaking picture of what could happen to someone in the face of great tragedy.  She does a good job of bringing out the emotions of losing a child, not holding anything back.  The relationship between Margo and Steven is beautiful, with Steven standing by his wife through it all.  The issues come first with the book blurb giving away the plot, twists, and direction of the story, taking away all mystery for the reader.  In addition, Margo’s character arch is rather unrealistic and her derailment comes far too quickly.  Overall, “The End of Miracles” speaks on a topic not addressed enough, possibly helping other women to talk about their hurts before it is too late.

Jane Oppenheimer portrays the heavy topics smoothly, giving a technically flawless performance.  Although the audio quality and recording are presented without a hitch, the topic of the story may not make the best choice for an audiobook.  Ms. Oppenheimer does little to differentiate between characters, so when perspective changes it is difficult to keep straight who is talking.  The emotions represented throughout the novel are inconsistent, at times being over the top while at others not giving the listener enough.  Overall, for the right audience, “The End of Miracles” can be an interesting listen.

Amy Cefoldo