FRAMED: Episode 8 "Violets Are Blue"


Kim waltzed in with a stack of envelopes in her hand. “Special delivery,” she said, handing Violet a card.
“You’re almost too late on the Christmas card this year, kid.” Violet handed the card back to Kim to open.
“I know.” Kim ripped the seam. “I was waiting for my special paper to come in. Double thick card stock.” Her friend pulled out the card and shook it in her hand.
“Oh, pretty!” Violet admired the glittered front. Kim had taken to printing her own Christmas cards. Another one of her DIY adventures.
“I’ll be glad when they catch this robber.” Kim changed the subject. “Danny was such a crabby patty last night when I stopped by his place. Austin wasn’t much better. The two look exhausted, and it was like something was lingering in the air between them. Makes me think it’s you.”
“Me?” Violet held a hand to her chest. “Why me?”

“Because it’s obvious you have two men that adore you. I don’t think Danny has ever forgiven himself for standing you up at the altar. I know I sure haven’t.”
Please. She did not want to be reminded of that.
“Water under the bridge.” Violet flicked her hand in the air as if being stood up in front all of her friends and few family members wasn’t a big deal. It was so a big deal. Huge deal. But whatever. She was over it. Mostly.
“Anyway, so what’s up with you and Austin? Anything?”
Other than the most lip zapping, mind-numbing kiss of her life, nothing, and soon he would leave. All for the best. The ladies in her life didn’t have a good track record with men. Best for him to leave before things got too complicated.
“You’re blushing.”
Violet sucked in a deep breath and held a hand to her cheek. “Am not.”
“But I made you think you were, which means you like him. Speaking of Austin. Where is he?”
She hated her friend sometimes.
“He ran down to the coffee shop for a minute. He’s been almost like a shadow since yesterday morning. Super protective. Over protective. Like a cop protective.”
“At first I thought you were paranoid, but now, maybe I think you’re on to something. But why would Danny ask Austin to help you in here if he wanted him to uncover something?” Kim asked.
Her friend had a point. There was nothing in her shop worth investigating. “He’s been going to the art studio every day. Mr. Ross was hit in the head with a Santa from the art shop. You think it’s Pinkie? You think she’s the one who hit Mr. Ross and stole the diamond?”

Read the entire installment in the April 2020 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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