Want To Grow Your Audience? The Wattpad Advantage


One of the greatest challenges facing an indie author is finding his/her audience. Without the advantage of having shelf space in a bookstore, how do you get your book in front of potential readers? Many authors have turned to social media for promotional purposes, but let’s face it—trying to find your readership out there in Internet Land can feel a little like throwing darts at a target at the opposite end of a football field. In the dark. While blindfolded. So what is an author to do? One possibility lies with a free reading platform called Wattpad. Now, I know that the idea of giving your work away for free may seem a little counterintuitive when you’re trying to earn a living at this publishing gig, but bear with me. I promise you’ll be glad you did!

Read the entire article in the November 2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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