Getting Published is Just the Start.


At an author event—well, before the pandemic—an excited 18-year-old stepped up and asked me about my novel, "Blood on the Chesapeake". After I’d given my elevator pitch, he pivoted and asked, “How hard is it to get a novel published?” The hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” My response threw him.
“Really?” He looked unconvinced. “I mean it looks like fun. First, you hole up in your room and write your story and then you get it published. I mean, you sign books and everything.”
I plowed on. “The book you see here took years to research, write and edit, and that doesn’t include all the time and effort it took to find the right publisher.”
The young man said, “I have a friend who wrote a Fantasy novel and published it himself. Jeremy said it took him only about three months. No big deal.”
I nodded, not answering right away. “The self-publishing route wasn’t right for me, but it works for other authors. And it’s true that there are more routes to getting your book ‘published’ than ever before.” I used the air quotes for a little emphasis. “But getting it published is only a start. Unless you just want to be able to tell your family and friends, ‘I got my book published’, there is a whole lot more to it than seeing your words in print.”
He looked a little confused, so I went on. “Maybe a few stats about the business will help make my point about the challenge ahead.”
The young man shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and I could almost see the glaze roll over his eyes.

Read the entire article in the March 2022 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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