Creative Ways to Celebrate Books in 2021


Books are incredible, even more so once you realize they are gatekeepers of your escape into a land of mystery and surreal involvements. They can teach you and help you learn things on almost any subject, topic, theme, philosophy, or genre. They also have the ability to deliver feelings and emotions like no other medium. This unique time in history has given us the perfect opportunity to look into our reading habits.
According to a recent study by Book Riot, women read more than men. Overall, women read an average 19.8 minutes per day as compared to men, who average 13.2 minutes per day. This study also shows people from age 20-34 read fiction the least, with 6.6 minutes per day, whereas people 75 years and older average 51 minutes. That makes sense as younger people are working, or in college, or trying to get careers started, whereas older people have more time to enjoy reading as a pastime. And perhaps, not surprisingly, the audiobook industry has seen a huge increase in the past couple of years with audiobook sales growing a massive 38.8%.
In light of this information, it seems reading (or listening) is still just as popular as it has ever been. So, let's take a quick look at some great ideas for incorporating the books we love the most into our lives, and even celebrate life events and special occasions to add more excitement and flair.

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