All That Glitters: Jewelry Through the Ages


Historical romances, set in and around 1850’s Europe, especially those that focus on fancy dress balls as part of courting rituals, often contain references to the jewels that adorn the necks, fingers, hair and earlobes of the lovely debutantes. The diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds added sparkle to any lady’s attire, and are described in great detail, especially if there is a debutante ball in the story. Often, these were passed from mother to daughter.  Most of the precious and semi-precious jewels found in America were imported from Europe. Diamonds were the benchmark of a family’s wealth, and the more diamonds a young lady wore, the better her chances of capturing the attention of a gentleman in need of a large dowry. Cameos were highly prized. But what about everyday jewelry?

Read the entire article in the May 2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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