Recent Reviews

Teapots and Treachery
Donna K.

Containing a pair of novellas by author Donna K. Weaver, "Teapots and Treachery" offers a taste of ghosts, romance and suspense all in one volume.

Catherine Warner and Ty Orland are like oil and water in the business world but when the two first meet – comically neither knowing who the other is – sparks fly!  Catherine has money

The Amarant

PARANORMAL:  Crimson is a unique teenager with an obsession with a popular vampire novel series featuring old and mysterious vampire Nicholae Albaric.  Only a handful of mortals, inclu

Sir Geoffrey lost nearly everything when the Scottish raided his home.  He is determined to reclaim his birthright and avenge his family.  He doesn’t have time to attend to a spoiled r

Mystical Glasses

Joey Moretti is a poker player who has enjoyed mild success and is content with his life and his relationship with his girlfriend Mira.  After he finds a pair of magic glasses that allow him to see the cards of other players, his winnings start to pile up.  Mira's unhinged ex-husband Rudy begins stalking the lovebirds, threatening their safety.
