Recent Reviews

Second Guessing
Gail Ward

Jill Griffin is a songwriter and widow of rock legend Jamie Sheridan.  Her personal life begins to explode when the Simon Sez Insider News & Views reports on her blossoming relationship with pop star Ben Fein who recently went solo from his group Five2ndRulez.  Jill is planning a tribute concert to her late husband to help fund a foundation in his name dedicated to providing music education

Pierce Baxter Maximillian Chamberlain, the Earl of Wainthorpe, is rumored to be one of London’s notorious rapscallions, a member of the Wicked Earl’s club, and his half-Munda heritage is a black mark according to the haut ton.  Pierce’s one goal?  Ruin Bertram Normand, the twelfth Baron Fairfax, the scoundrel responsible for the death of his mother.  He’s one card away from accomplishing that t

Set against a steampunk backdrop, “Wicked Treasure” dishes up a political drama that emerges in the midst of people with paranormal abilities: a fortune teller, an asylum patient who can see the future, a couple who can see and raise the dead. Just another day in the life for Clark and Amethyst.

Breakwater (The Mer Chronicles, Book 2)
Errin Stevens,
Narrator: Sean Posvistak

PARANORMAL/SUSPENSE/THRILLER:  The seaside town of Griffins Bay, a community of sirens, finds itself in flux. Immediately after the death of two siren monarchs, political unrest has everyone wondering who will lead them next if a rightful heir isn’t located. Meanwhile, some of their members can’t keep their eyes off the local human women, in direct opposition to the rules of their kind.

Destiny on Ice (Boys of Winter, Book 1)
S.R. Grey,
Narrator: Tracy Marks

NEW ADULT:  Largely taking place in Las Vegas, “Destiny on Ice” follows life coach Aubrey Shelburne who gets a rude awakening when the athlete she's supposed to shape up ends up being the man in whose bed she recently woke up.
