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Trapped ALONE

Gautier knows his relationship with Velsa has no future outside their roles as warlock and witch.

PARANORMAL:  Sixteen years ago, soul-eating demons devoured the seraph warrior Kaelis’ world.

Mattie didn’t realize she was a house slave until the day her brother arrives at the plantation and tells her so.

Reid Callahan is a champion bull rider and has avoided returning to his home town after that fateful day he talked his best friend, Zeke into one last ride - the one that ended Zeke’s life. Reid blames himself for not doing more to prevent his friend’s death, and he’s not the only one. Zeke’s wife Lucy blames him, too.

Losing your parents when you are not quite 20 years old is tough - raising your siblings while still being a teenager yourself is even tougher. Nick Walker steps up and becomes a parent to his brothers and sister at a young age, and he takes his responsibility very seriously.
