The Soulstealer’s Child

Young Adult

PARANORMAL:  Sixteen years ago, soul-eating demons devoured the seraph warrior Kaelis’ world. Charged with protecting the infant heir to the throne, he flees through a portal with the demon Nsark on his heels. After hiding the baby Kaelis disappears to recover his strength. Set loose among the humans, Nsark creates his own weapon by fathering a half-human half-demon child. Sixteen years later, and having grown up ignorant of their true heritage, James and Lucy meet during a school play and fall for one another. Are they truly in love, or are their seraph and demon halves simply calling to one another? And if they are both to survive the demon hunting them down, can they stay apart long enough to learn to control their other halves in time? 


A slight spin on angels and demons, “The Soulstealer’s Child” is a YA paranormal coming-of-age tale with plenty of drama and some sweet romance to round it out. The plot idea is intriguing and there are a few welcome twists to keep things interesting and moving. The major problems with the story are the main characters. James has a few moments of adorable awkward sweetness with Lucy. However, to everyone else he is a snob: rude, and completely unlikable. Lucy, on the other hand, appears to be somewhat helpless and clueless. Still, both characters move toward strength and likability toward the end, with the story building potential for book two. A good book with huge potential.


Sarah E Bradley