Marked Beauty

Young Adult

PARANORMAL:  Anastasia Tate has spent the past several years trying to suppress her unique ability. When a strange presence begins to lurk around her, she begins to wonder if it is time to embrace her power.  Victor never intended to link himself to Ana, but when there is an accident, he does so in order to save her life.  As Ana’s ability grows in power and the link between her and Victor becomes stronger, she is determined to discover the truth behind her mysterious powers — even if it means facing an enemy who wants much more than just her life.

A tale that will take the reader on a wild ride, "Marked Beauty" follows Ana as she struggles to embrace her abilities and fight off a villain she does not quite understand, all while juggling the antics of high school.  Ms. Larsen has built an interesting world, where seeing other's auras is a superpower, and introduces a villain who does not kill or stalk his victims, but takes energy instead.  The issues with the story begin with Ana's abilities. Little explanation of the how and why will leave the reader slightly confused from the very beginning.  When Victor enters the plot, he has information both Ana and the reader need, but he does not share until it is almost too late.  The ride ends with a climatic finish, however, that will answer most questions and leave the reader wanting a sequel to answer the rest.

 Amy Cefoldo