Pulse and Prejudice

Colette L.
ISBN Number: 

“It is a truth of the human condition that the significance of a seemingly minor event will only become evident after one has erred in not realizing its importance…”

Unfortunately, despite his not-quite-human condition, this truth was one Fitzwilliam Darcy could all-too-honestly attest to. How was he to know the importance of a careless comment made at an event in Hertfordshire impugning Elizabeth, a lady that would soon occupy his thoughts and heart? Elizabeth Bennet is intelligent, pretty, so far below him in standing it’s almost preposterous and, most dangerous of all, she appeals to his base instincts like no one else does. Her appeal is such he would overlook anything… But how is he to sway Elizabeth, when she is convinced he’s arrogant, cold and selfish? Finally, how to make her accept the worst, that he is not a man, but a vampire?

Told mostly from Darcy’s point of view, this book captures the spirit of the original classic well, while introducing intriguing new paranormal elements. The differing styles clash from time to time as is most evident in the characterization of Darcy the vampire as opposed to the historical Darcy.  There were also instances when characters slipped into what seemed like the modern usage of words that felt awkward to the time period - as in sentences such as "I just have not the stomach to watch Caroline Bingley drool all over you".   On the whole, fans of Pride and Prejudice may or may not enjoy this rendition, as it follows the main plot of the classic almost exactly, only through the eyes of the vampire Darcy. Nevertheless, “Pulse and Prejudice” was surprisingly well-written and enjoyable, but perhaps it would have been better with a more original plot.

Mimi Smith