Lady of Breken Manor

Heather B.

Being a ghost is boring. So boring that Lady Charlotte readily welcomes the new owner to the Scottish Manor she haunts. Unfortunately for her, he is already engaged. Otherwise, she would convince him to fall in love with her and finally end her decades long curse which keeps her confined to the manor. Between playing parlor tricks on visitors and hiding in her attic, Charlotte might actually enjoy her life after death, that is if it wasn’t so tedious. The new owner, however, makes her rethink her entire existence. 

 “Lady of Breken Manor” is a sweet clean romance from beginning to end. It is clear right off that the hero, Sean, is feeling stagnant with both his life and relationship with his fiancé, Michele. Once at the manor, things quickly fall apart for them, but come together for Charlotte and him. From their first introduction, Charlotte and Sean are naturally drawn to each other and work well together, falling in love rather swiftly as they work to break her curse. The reader should note that this is a novella and reads like one. The pacing and story development match that of a novella though, in the end, the story feels complete. That being said, the story feels a bit lackluster at times with everything happening seamlessly with little to no conflict. At some points, the characters feel full of personality and banter easily, while in other places, the dialogue and story feels tedious. Despite this, the story is an enjoyable read that can be read in one sitting.

  Arec Rain