Hooked on A Witch (Keepers of the Veil #4) 



Merck is cursed with the knowledge of the time of his death. The son of the god Poseidon, he has been given the unenviable task of hunting down and destroying practitioners of black magic. His life becomes even more complicated when Shannon Randolph literally falls back into his life for the first time since they were teenagers. In Shannon, Merck finds a reason to live. Shannon is on a quest of her own: someone is murdering Pleiades witches including her mother, and she must find a way to stop the slaughter, even as the death toll rises.    

“Hooked on a Witch” combines elements from Greek and Celtic mythology in a creative new way to build a world of witches and gods.  However, at times the story becomes a tedious mishmash, as the author attempts to meld various mythologies into one narrative and uses obscure terms to define and describe her creations. The story would have been better served had the author allowed herself to create her world from scratch without the needless ties to mythology.  The chemistry between Merck and Shannon is well written and consistent with their characters, however, the novel spends too much of its time describing their passion, sacrificing much needed character development.   A tighter storyline and more character development would help to fulfill the promise that “Hooked on A Witch” holds.

Gwenellen Tarbet