

SCI-FI/DYSTOPIAN:  It's May 2069 in the Northern territory of Alta.  Wars are at an end.  Earth is finally at peace.  There's only one law needed now in this Utopian/Dystopian land.  Don't go out at night.  Colizan "Cole" has never had a reason to break that law until now.  His best friend, Viktor, Vey's twin brother, is missing.  The Officials have announced Viktor as presumed dead.  Cole and Vey don't believe it.  They find proof to the contrary and are certain Viktor's death has been manufactured.  They do the one thing no one believes them capable of.  They go out at night.  What's waiting for them in the Outlands?  It's certainly not what they anticipate.

Readers will enjoy the post-apocalyptic world built in this Science Fiction/Fantasy.  The author paints a phenomenal landscape of this dystopian paradise.  However, Cole and his relationships need to be more developed to provide depth to his character as well as internal conflict.  There are some minor issues with point of view, plausible reactions to events, and typos.  A little more attention to showing rather than telling at the end or the addition of an epilogue may have given readers that exceptional happy ever after/happy ever after for now readers crave.  The kaleidoscope of mystery and surprise coupled with the world building this story offers does not disappoint.

Becca Windsor