Roll with the Punches (A Derby Girl Mystery)


Roller Derby. Manuscript mayhem. Duo of suitors. Out of control retirees. This sums up Rhonda's life. Unsatisfied with her ho-hum existence she turned to writing, accomplishing her lifelong dream of completing a manuscript. Excitement turned to dread when a best-selling novelist released a book mimicking her own work. Now, Rhonda has to discover the plagiarist amongst her group of assumed friends as well as deal with her ailing father's dementia and hijinks. Distractions begin to mount as the crafty thief continues to make her life difficult. Will Rhonda lean on the right man, learn the truth about her book and clear her name, or will her bout of bad luck have her taking a knee on her dreams?

Reading this novel mimicked the main character's highs and lows. High: this adventure has an abundance of humor and opens the reader's eyes to two of her passions - writing and roller derby. The juxtaposition endears the character to the reader. Well wishes and outrage for her predicament compels one’s progress and deepens one's investment. Low: the length of the book and repetition of certain aspects of the plotline made sections longer than others did. Occasionally, the overall enjoyment of the character and author's writing style felt in conflict with the wordiness of the prose. A more streamlined mystery would have kept up with the rough and tumble speed of Rhonda's roller derby lifestyle; however the highs of the book kept this reader invested and rooting for her happy ending. 

Amy Willis