To Remove and Rebirth the Woman

T. T.

Mrs. Understood's husband is cheating - and when she learns that he's at Nana's Cajun Restaurant with his latest conquest, she speeds over to catch them together. While walking across the street, she is hit by a vehicle and when she regains consciousness, she is in hell. The next time she awakes, she is in the hospital with Dr. Symbol attending her. She learns she is there to heal her physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. She must move away from her past in order to be re-birthed into the whole woman God has ordained her to be. Along the way, she meets Bamboozled Karen and Naomi, each of whom help guide her on her way to wholeness.


This is an interesting theological book, taking on the complicated task of providing the reader with insight into what makes a woman whole, even after horrendous life circumstances. Mrsunderstood had drug-addicted parents who left the parenting to her. She is repeating many of the same patterns of parenting she learned from watching them: stay with your man, no matter how bad he is to you. The author neglected to have a last edit that would have caught the many missing words, misspellings, and incorrect usage of words that ran rampant throughout the story. Also disappointing is the fact that both the story and the epilogue end “to be continued” with no previous indication that this novel is to have a sequel. With editing and completion of the story and epilogue, this will be a much more entertaining story. 


Belinda Wilson