Broken & Damaged Love


Dean and Deborah had whirlwind romance and married just six months after meeting, surprising everyone who knew the analytical duo. When Deborah became pregnant shortly afterward they reacted as some young marrieds do - they made the best of it.  When their daughter Tina was born everything changed.  Dean reacted as hardly any father would do - he abused his daughter.  For years.


When Tina was fifteen she learned in school that virtually everything about her relationship with her father was wrong. It was a gut-wrenching and heartbreaking new reality.  How could she move on from being a victim after this breach of her love and trust?


Author T.L. Clark tackles the subject of incest and child sexual abuse head on - and from the perspective of the child herself, who knows nothing other than her family's version of "normal". The novel is graphic and uncomfortable to read, as it should be given the subject. Sadly, the novel has issues other than the subject matter affecting it. The writing itself doesn't flow; it is very stilted and choppy. The author's excessive use of clichés leaves the reader wanting more substantive writing.  A thorough edit would help readers find the power in Clark's story.


Rose Mary Espinoza