What the Scot Hears


REGENCY:  Lord Alaistair MacLeod is a British spy determined to find the ever-disappearing Amelia Chase. She is never where he left her last and he fears his suspicions about her are proving to be true. Amelia is a feisty American woman up for any challenge. She has discovered she is the long-lost sister of the Marquis of Danbury, and as he is under British protection, Macleod is determined to keep her safe as well — but not before he finds out what she is hiding. When a traitor to the crown kidnaps her, Macleod is there once again to save the day. Yet can he overcome his own secrets to open up his heart?

Author Amy Quinton's prose is wonderfully descriptive, seemingly understanding every nuance of every scene, while the cat and mouse game between Alaistair and Amelia is a delightful chase that grabs the reader's attention. The story does focus much on Amelia and Alaistair with a slow progression, yet it picks up the pace midway through. Sinister plots that erupt around them add a real sense of danger and adrenaline with adventure and mystery. Their romance and humor is largely appealing and all the while, tempers flare and hearts melt!

Margaret Faria