Vienna Dawn (The Imperial Season #3)


Dunya Savarina is less interested in her family’s trip to Vienna where the powers of Europe are working on peace, and more intent on once again securing the affections of her first love. Unfortunately, her impulsive efforts nearly result in disaster and only the intervention of Captain Richard Trelawny, a wounded British officer with life and love troubles of his own, manages to keep her from total ruin. Despite her troubles, Dunya finds Captain Trelawny to be the perfect ally in winning love, if she can convince him to aid her. Yet, when her first love renews his interest, Dunya must decide if the love of her past is what she needs now or if a new one can surpass the intensity and enjoyment of her first.


The third book in “The Imperial Season” series, “Vienna Dawn” is another fun historical romance that continues the crazy intrigue and romance-filled shenanigans of the Vienna conference. Combining characters from the previous two books with some new ones in this story, “Vienna Dawn” takes a more traditional route to historical romance with the main characters pretending to be engaged to provoke their former loves to jealousy, and involves less action and spy craft than the former stories. Still, despite the lack of originality, there is plenty of romantic moments between Dunya and Richard, with some humor mixed in to make this an enjoyable read. Readers who enjoy regency romance will find this a good addition to their to-read pile.


Sarah E Bradley