Their Christmas Miracle


Tracy and Hunter work well together. Hunter owns a small restaurant in Charity, Montana, while Tracy makes pies out of his kitchen when not working at the hospital. Their business relationship grows when they are asked to cater a wedding together. There is just one problem, Tracy and Hunter have a thing for each other, but don’t know the other feels the same way. When Hunter’s cousin dies, Hunter is left to raise his baby. Now faced with the decision of how to juggle their new business arrangement, their feelings for each other, and a new baby, Tracy and Hunter have some decisions to make, some of which could change their lives forever. 

If one is looking for a sweet book that never ceases to surprise, then “Their Christmas Miracle” is a perfect read. With interesting characters and fun plot twists, readers will not get bored learning about Tracy and Hunter’s story. One issue with the book, however, is that it rehashes the same information, retelling it to the reader again and again. The repeating information also causes a bit of confusion making readers mix up what has happened between different people, which hurts the overall flow of the story. By cutting out repeated information and adding more depth to the characters, the author would allow readers to better identify with the characters, in turn, creating a better connection between the reader and the characters. Overall though, by switching between Tracy’s and Hunter’s perspectives, the book gives readers a splendid view to enjoy the action while exploring the complex issues of life and love. 

Hannah Hurdle