Startup Fiancé


Arav was just looking to protect his company; he was not looking to fall in love. That is what happens, however, when he meets Nisha the beautiful, smart, and accomplished CEO of a rival app company. Being the heads of rival businesses means always having to watch their backs while also being willing to give love a chance. As their relationship and romance grows, Nisha and Arav must face complex decisions regarding their lives, their companies, and their hearts. Will it be love for each other or the love for their companies that wins out in the end?

If readers are looking for a quick fun romance, then this book is for them. With complex characters and an interesting plot, readers will enjoy following along with Arav and Nisha’s relationship. However, “Startup Fiancé” has its problems. For one, the epilogue seems out of place in the book. By the time it’s over, readers will be left wondering why this is the ending to the book. Moreover, one of the main conflicts of the book results from misunderstanding and irritability, which hurts the overall story of the book. This being said, “Startup Fiancé” gives readers a look into an exciting and fast paced world allowing them the chance to learn more about another culture in the process.

Hannah Hurdle