Collin's Challenge: (The Langley Legacy Book 6)


Collin Langley’s family has owned their acres of farmland for generations…until JoLeigh Jackson shows up with a lawsuit claiming that her family rightfully owns half the land. Longtime enemies, the Langley and Jackson families have never seen eye to eye and have feuded for decades. Collin claims the land is his and cannot be separated, but JoLeigh claims that an ancestor of hers was always the rightful heir. When the two meet in front of the judge, sparks fly and not just the ones born of hatred. Their attraction is strong, but their rivalry is stronger. And when the judge orders JoLeigh to stay on Collin’s land while she decides the verdict, neither of them knows just what to do with themselves while they fight the battle over land and the battle to protect their hearts.

Collin and Joleigh are two strong and passionate characters with an immediate connection. Unfortunately, the story feels forced from there, as the main characters are pushed together through less than plausible circumstances, such as a judge ordering a single woman to stay with a single man for weeks on end. Collin seems to make bad decisions where JoLeigh is concerned, often regretting his actions later. The connection between the characters is felt by the reader, but the push and pull becomes tedious as they act on their attractions and immediately pull away repeatedly, constantly reminding themselves throughout the story about the pending lawsuit to the point of tedium. However, the writing was light and humorous, and the story was easy to follow and entertaining.

Dahlia Gosney