The Bargain

Christine S.

Shannon Mahoney  has had a crush on Drew Kingston since high school.  If that wasn't bad enough, he has now been elected city councilman and is her new boss.  Now she really can't tell him how she feels.  She admires Drew from the shadows; always blending in, watching life pass her by - until a man has comes into her life who won’t let her hide anymore.  

Enter Michael Kingston, Drew’s older brother and the typical bad boy.  Shannon remembers his reputation from high school, but now Michael desperately needs her help.  Drew is about to donate the Kingston family mansion for use as a youth recreation center and Michael is convinced he’s making a big mistake.  Too bad he can’t get Drew to even talk to him.  After their parents died, Drew was finished with his older brother for good.  Maybe Shannon can plead Michael’s case – he can tell she’s got a crush on his younger brother – in return, he’ll help her win Drew’s affections.   The perfect bargain, one might say.  But along the way, something happens...


”The Bargain”  is a well written, tension-filled story of a young woman being attracted to a man she least expected.  Shannon’s metamorphosis builds gradually, keeping readers turning the page!  And Michael changes as well, as he examines his life choices, counseled by the sympathetic Shannon.  The strain between Drew and Michael provides an added dimension, and adds to the story’s edge.  “The Bargain” keeps its readers wanting more, as they long for Shannon to find true love and choose the brother of her dreams. 


Victoria Z. Burg