The Baby Jazz


“The Baby Jazz” is the story of Jasmine and her father Gregory.  Jazz’s mother leaves them and doesn’t make any appearance in their lives throughout the book, which consists of Jazz’s first 2 ½ years.  Gregory faces the trials that come with raising his infant daughter alone, losing a job in Hollywood, and moving to Greece all while navigating the challenges of new parenthood including the terrible two’s.

This book is a series of diary chapters written by Jazz’s father Gregory that truly captures all the triumphs, wonders, and frustration of babies and toddlers.  Readers will enjoy Jazz and all her antics and teasing while she attempts to train her father to get her own way.  Gregory has ideas of his own on that account.  One can’t help falling in love with them both while wondering how a mother could ever leave her baby.  Especially one as cute as Jazz.  It’s a good thing Jazz has Gregory.

This book is translated from Greek and readers may have a sense that some meaning has been lost in translation.  There are some instances of typographical error, lack of consistency and/or confusion with internalizations.  Readers may feel entries are repetitive and drag in places which may be attributed to the journalized nature of the chapters.  However, one will have no choice but to continually root for Jazz and her father’s happy ever after or, at least, happy ever after for now in this story of healing and acceptance for both father and child.

Becca Windsor