The Power of Luurve


This time of year one cannot escape the references to it, especially if you are a religious person of the Christian persuasion.  Personally, I'm not sure which holiday is more significant. Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Christ, sent to save the world from the sins of man or Easter weekend - when He died on a cross for those same sins.  Resurrection and redemption are key elements of Christian tradition and theology:  unless the one died the death of all, the all would have little to celebrate in the resurrection of the one. (Wikipedia, you have saved my life again!) Talk about a big load to place on the shoulders of one Nazarene carpenter. Redemption is also a pretty heavy theme in literature, as well.  We've all read fiction (and non-fiction, for that matter) where the story paradigm is one that centers on a fundamental moral arc within the main character from bad to good.

Read the entire article in the April  2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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