Well, THAT Was Disappointing! When Favorite Authors Fall Short


You are so excited, your favorite author just released a new book in a brand new series! There really is no thrill for a book lover that tops this one. When this happens we click ‘Buy’ without a second thought. There’s no question about the price, there’s no question about the value, no reading of reviews. You love this author without question, and there’s a trust that goes along with that that is unrivaled. We are far more skeptical of someone telling us we’ve got to read "the" hot new book on the market than we are of a favorite author releasing the first book in a brand new series. And then the unthinkable happens.You don’t like the book. It’s different than her other books. Her hero is kind of a jerk. Her heroine is a bit of a diva. Or suddenly your extremely down to earth hero begins time traveling and falls in love with an alien and lives happily ever after on a planet you’ve never heard of.

Read the entire article in the Ocotber 2016 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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