Isbeth's Redemption: Episode 4


“Madam Fores!” Master Ashfield’s baritone blasted through the room.The matron grabbed Isbeth and tried to drag her toward the door. Isbeth resisted while trying to pry Madam Fores’ fingers free of her arm.
“She stole a bottle of Master Tarian’s best wine. They were all accounted for yester morn and one short this morn. You little traitor. I took you in. I gave you a job despite the rumors. You are no better than your reputation, you–”
“Madam Fores, compose yourself!” Now standing on his feet, Master Ashfield used his considerable height to tower his landlady into silence. “The wine was for me.”
“You?” Madam Fores squeaked. “I wanted wine last night. I ordered Isbeth to take some from Tarian’s stash and intended to replace it before it was missed. I didn’t know you counted them daily or I would have spoken to you about it.”
“But you don’t drink!” The older woman grimaced at the sudden turn of perceptions. “Only on occasions when merited.  I hurt myself last night while testing my skill with the blade against another man’s.” He indicated the bandage very evident beneath his open shirt. “The sawbone recommended wine to dull the pain. I couldn’t send Isbeth out into the night to buy some, so I availed myself of Tarian’s supplies.”
Madam Fores’ narrowed eyes flicked from Master Ashfield to Isbeth and back. “You will see the wine is replaced immediately?”
Master Ashfield smiled widely. “I was just about to ask Isbeth to do just that. I can’t go about in this state.”
Madam Fores grunted. “Isbeth, see you fetch some tomorrow afternoon. Return in time to fix the evening meal and fetch lamb for later in the week while you are about it.” With a twitch of her bliaut’s skirt, she turned and tramped heavily out onto the landing again.
Isbeth and Ashfield listened with bated breath as she tromped her way down the first floor. Only when the front room door closed with a solid thump did Isbeth release the breath burning her chest. Master Ashfield sat on the edge of his bed. Face gray with the strain of standing so long, he appeared so frail a stiff breeze could have knocked him into complete repose.

Read this installment of this riveting story in the November issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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