InD'Ear: Wait, What? Audiobook Awards?!

Ann M.

In case you didn’t realize it, audiobooks are beginning to outsell print books.MarketWatch published an article in January that included a startling statistic: there are examples of books in every imaginable genre that sell better as spoken rather than written words—sometimes four times as well. Audiobooks racked up $1.5 billion in sales last year and remain the fastest-growing segment of the book publishing industry, according to the Audio Publishers Association.Given this increase in popularity, it’s not a mystery why more and more authors are including audio versions of their books in their marketing plans. If they don’t, it’s like leaving money on the table! After working their way through the many ins and outs of the process, and at long last, having a shiny new audiobook in their hands, authors can find themselves in a wonderful position to further promote their title. They can nominate it for an award.

Read the entire article in the June 2016 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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